The following is a list of condition opcodes used by Yoda Stories.
TODO: Check if Indy uses the same opcodes
Opcode | Name | # of arguments | Description |
0x000 | ZoneNotInitialized | 0 | Evaluates to true exactly once (used for initialization) |
0x001 | ZoneEntered | 0 | Evaluates to true if hero just entered the zone |
0x002 | Bump | 3 | |
0x003 | PlacedItemIs | 5 | |
0x004 | StandingOn | 3 | Check if hero is at arg_0 xarg_1 and the floor tile is arg_2 |
0x005 | CounterIs | 1 | Current zone's counter value is equal to arg_0 |
0x006 | RandomIs | 1 | Current zone's random value is equal to arg_0 |
0x007 | RandomIsGreaterThan | 1 | Current zone's random value is greater than arg_0 |
0x008 | RandomIsLessThan | 1 | Current zone's random value is less than arg_0 |
0x009 | EnterByPlane | 0 | |
0x00a | TileAtIs | 4 | Check if tile at arg_0 xarg_1 xarg_2 is equal to arg_3 |
0x00b | MonsterIsDead | 1 | True if monster arg_0 is dead. |
0x00c | HasNoActiveMonsters | 0 | |
0x00d | HasItem | 1 | True if inventory contains arg_0 . If arg_0 is -1 check if inventory contains the item provided by the current zone's puzzle |
0x00e | RequiredItemIs | 1 | |
0x00f | EndingIs | 1 | True if arg_0 is equal to current goal item id |
0x010 | ZoneIsSolved | 0 | True if the current zone is solved |
0x011 | NoItemPlaced | 5 | Returns true if the user did not place an item |
0x012 | HasGoalItem | 0 | Returns true if the hero has the goal item |
0x013 | HealthIsLessThan | 1 | Hero's health is less than arg_0 . |
0x014 | HealthIsGreaterThan | 1 | Hero's health is greater than arg_0 . |
0x015 | Unused | 5 | |
0x016 | FindItemIs | 1 | True the item provided by current zone is arg_0 |
0x017 | PlacedItemIsNot | 5 | |
0x018 | HeroIsAt | 2 | True if hero's x/y position is args_0 xargs_1 . |
0x019 | SectorCounterIs | 1 | Current zone's sector-counter value is equal to arg_0 |
0x01a | SectorCounterIsLessThan | 1 | Current zone's sector-counter value is less than arg_0 |
0x01b | SectorCounterIsGreaterThan | 1 | Current zone's sector-counter value is greater than arg_0 |
0x01c | GamesWonIs | 1 | Total games won is equal to arg_0 |
0x01d | DropsQuestItemAt | 2 | |
0x01e | HasAnyRequiredItem | 0 | Determines if inventory contains any of the required items needed for current zone |
0x01f | CounterIsNot | 1 | Current zone's counter value is not equal to arg_0 |
0x020 | RandomIsNot | 1 | Current zone's random value is not equal to arg_0 |
0x021 | SectorCounterIsNot | 1 | Current zone's sector-counter value is not equal to arg_0 |
0x022 | IsVariable | 4 | Check if variable identified by arg_0 ⊕arg_1 ⊕arg_2 is set to arg_3 . Internally this is implemented as opcode 0x0a, check if tile at arg_0 xarg_1 xarg_2 is equal to arg_3 |
0x023 | GamesWonIsGreaterThan | 1 | Total games won is greater than arg_0 |